Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Suwanee Craft Beerfest 2012

This festival held in the Town Center Park in Suwanee GA was about 300% better this year. The selection of Beers was fantastic, my fav. Souther Tier had about 6 beers I truly love. Mostly, 2X Milk Stout, Creme Bruele, and Chokalot. There weren't many that I haven't had before though. Ass Kisser Brewery was there which was new, Wild Heaven had the Echalon and Red Hare another local brewery was there as well.

Suwanee Beerfest

I saw a BUNCH of folks I've met through being a Taco Mac Brewniversity member, more than likely over 20-30 people. I even missed a few. The weather couldn't have been better either, cool in the early part (fingers were crossed that it wouldn't rain) and then it got a lot warmer by the 5pm closing time. The music was good and there even was a home brew contest that a few of my friends had entered and several got medals for their beers, Jeff a 1st, Rob a second. Also, several friends didn't fair as well but they had a great time anyway.
  Suwanee Beerfest

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