Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week 9, Abita Abbey Ale Dubbel

Poured this from a 22oz bomber into a tulip glass, it has a copper hazy color and lots of off white head.

Smells of citrus and some malt evident, raisin and other similar fruits in the background. The taste is mostly malt and caramel. Very sweet with a sourness at finish.

The mouth is light but also somewhat syrupy at beginning, with a drier finish. This is a nice sipping beer but about average IMHO.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Week 8, Terrapin Side Project - 90 Shelling Scotch Ale

I poured this into a 16oz pint glass from a 22oz bottle. It was a dark redish brown with a tan or beige head about one finger tall that died quickly.

The aromas were of malt and caramel, very sweet. The main taste was also of caramel and malts with a sharp sourness at the finish.

The mouthfeel was thin but sharp with the sourness mentioned before. It's a bit heavy on the stomach and with the high gravity not a session beer, a typically normal scotch ale.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Week 7, Smuttynose Imperial Stout

Poured into a Goblet from a 22oz bottle. Solid black with a one half inch tan head, almost brown.

Aromas were of caramel and molassas. The main flavours were malt, burnt oak or grains and caramel.

The beer texture is silky and creamy as it crosses your tongue, with a slight bitterness at the end. I enjoyed drinking this one and the flavours became more pronounced as it warmed up.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Week 6, Bells Cherry Stout

Bought a six of this from the local grocery store one evening of shopping. I had visited this brewery in MI while living there back int he early 90's, at the time it was the Kalamazoo Brewing Company I believe.

Poured very dark out of a 12oz bottle some dark tan head a little less than a fingers worth. IT died quickly as you can see.

Aroma of some roasted malts.

I didn't think this beer had enough cherry flavor, it was very sour like a sour cherry

Didn't have the mouth feel of a Guinness, a lot thinner but a nice flavour all the same. Got more complex as it warmed up.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Weyerbacker Fireside Ale

Went to Taco Mac with the daughter and had dinner and a Weyerbacker Fireside Ale.

Came to the table in a wine glass, a murky amber brown with a light tan head, very sparse.

Carbonation was good since through the entire glass bubbles continued to rise from the bottom and sides of the glass.

The aroma was mostly of malt and lightly smoked oak. It had somewhat of a whiskey barrel taste with malty overtones along with some bitterness.

Mouthfeel was lightly bitter and was light on the tongue not syrupy at all. A good drinkable high gravity ale, but not really special or remarkable to me.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Another excellent beer, Terrapin Midnight Project Depth Charge Espresso Milk Stout

Had both of these at the Taco Mac, Mall of Georgia. The Dogfish Head is the beer of the month and the Brother and I even got a free glass. I was blown away with the Terrapin/Left Hand collaboration Milk Stout.

Dogfish Head Punkin' Ale

Came to me in a large mug, copper / amber color very clear with an off white head. Bubbles continued to rise from the sides and bottom of the beer. There was very little aroma at the start and it didn't change from that as the beer warmed up. The taste was about as impressive as the smell some spice, some pumpkin but very little. The mouthfeel from the carbonation made the drink very refreshing there was some slight bitterness at the finish. All in all a very good very mild ale.

Terrapin Midnight Project Depth Charge Espresso Milk Stout

I was told this beer is good if you like espresso . I liked it anyway. Very dark actually black, with a small tan head. The aroma consisted of mainly coffee, espresso and some hints of cocoa. The taste is along the exact same lines, coffee & cocoa. Mouthfeel was very silky with the coffee bitterness getting in there at the finish. This is a smooth drink, I could do a few of these while sitting by a fire on a cool evening.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Smuttynose, Robust Porter

From awhile back.

Just a nice photographic depiction of filling up a nice tulip glass with Porter.