Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Fuller's Vintage Ale

I gave this one the highest drinkablilty since I couldn't even detect the alcohol until after I had finished and I couldn't walk straight. Very smooth the only thing I could say negitive is it is a bit too sweet.

Poured out of a 16.9 oz bottle in a nice box. It was serial numbered. It was a rich amber color very clear with an off white head, not very much head though.

The aroma of raisins and sweet honey dominate the nose. The taste is almost identical with sweet honey and raisins.

Inside the mouth it is VERY smooth with a syrupy feel and a slight bitterness at the finish.

I shared this with my brother and the dude behind the bar (I'm nice that way) and even at about $14 a pop I think I'll be looking for this at a store somewhere.

This one was a real treat!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Week 18, Ridgeway Brewing - Santa's Butt

Poured into a goblet brown to black in color with a small to non-existant head although there were large bubbles collecting on the bottom and sides of the glass.

There was very little in the way of aroma, maybe some smokey wood smell. The taste was mainly smoke with some dark fruits like prune or date.

This felt like a high carbonation beer, light and watery on tongue with a slight non pine bitterness at the finish. Good but I was expecting more than just a simple porter more spices that would convied Santa and Christmas.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Week 17, Dogfish Head - Chateau Jiahu

Appearance was a dirty yellow, very little head, some carbonation initially but it died quickly.

The nose started with citrus, and a sweet honey smell was very heavy. The initial taste was very sour citrus, then the sweetness of the honey slammed into your tongue.

The mouth was really light with low carbonation, no bitterness but the sourness really does it's work. It's a lot like a lambic, too sour for my taste but good overall, very interesting.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Week 16, Coney Island Sword Swallower

Poured a Yellow/Wheat color, two fingers white head and fine lacing.

The smell of Pine and Hops takes over when you begin to sip, the taste of Wheat and pine continues as you sip.

Mouthfeel is light with hoppy bitterness at the end, high carbonation. A nice IPA, I like Pale Ales and this one is hoppy like an American IPA, not quite enough to make it overpowering. I'll get this one again.

Just gotta love the cleavage shot on the label, ha!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Week 14, Kennebunkport IPA

Kennebunkport IPA bought at the Trader Joes in Nocross, GA

Poured light amber orange and hazy with a tan head of about two fingers.

The aroma of pine hops and nothing else
a pine bite as far as taste.

Really light and crisp with the hoppy bite and high carbonation. Drinkability is ok for an IPA but not as hoppy as I expected.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Week 13, Blackbeard Ale - Virgin Islands Brewing

Since I was on vacation in the Caribbean.

Appearance, a light tan with a good off white head. Aromas of malty sweetness.

Taste is a lot of malt with slight bitterness along with some sweetness, a really nice mixture.

With a medium high carbonation, a really light feel on tongue, tingly. A good light ale with some malty flavour and slight bitterness, I could drink a few of these and enjoy each one.