Sunday, August 23, 2009

Week 16 Dogfish Head Theobroma

Very nice heavy bottle, over 25oz and at 9% it's the only beer I needed this evening.

Poured an Orange/Amber with a small head that dissapeared very quickly.

Smelled of honey and spices. Since it is brewed with ancho chillies and annatto, a slightly peppery nutmeg kind of spice. It also gives the beer it's red/orange tinge.

The taste was mainly honey at first finishing with the nutmegy annatto, I enjoyed every drop. As it warmed the flavours became more pronounced as well as the aromas.

Light sweet mouthfeel with some syrupiness feel on the tongue when it warmed more.

A very good sipping beer that I have had before but am glad I tried again.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Week 15 Left Hand Smoke Jumper Porter

Poured into a regular 16oz pint, at home from a 22oz bottle.

Appearance was a dark, black color with tan head, about a fingers worth.

Aroma of roasted malt was very heavy and added to the taste of slightly smokey roasted grains and a lot of malt and caramel.

The mouthfeel was silky with a slightly warm feel on the tongue.

This beer is a bit on the heavy side but I could drink it again.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Week 14 Bornem Dubbel Abbey Ale

Brouwerij Van Steenberge

A: dark red silky light tan head
S: soapy?
T: sourness, grain
M: light

Week 13 Bernardus Abt 12

The second to last St Bernardus in the fridge, I may save the last Witte for later in the month.

Poured a dark cloudy brown, a tan head rises out of the bottle when you open and mounds of head gather at the top of the glass as you pour. It smells of wheat grain and alcohol.

The taste is malty sweet, with caramel with an alcohol bite as it glides by the tongue a slight bitter aftertaste at the end.

A lighter mouthfeel but still sweet with the alcohol dryness.