Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week 12, Samuel Adams Imperial White

Filled a tulip glass with one smooth slow pour. Off white head about two fingers that died quite quickly. It had a hazy copper/brown or amber color with some lace on the sides.

Smelll of light soap and biscuit aromas, yeasty.
It had a sweet malty taste that finished with a nice alcohol bite.

The mouthfeel was all about the alcohol, some bitter bite at the end. Sense this is a high gravity it's a once an evening brew, good carbonation and a light feel on the tongue.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Week 11, Dogfish Head Midas Touch

Dogfish Head Midas Touch, another Ancient Ale

Poured a yellow/wheat color straight down the center of a 16oz pint glass. Not all that carbonated with on finger of white head after one smooth pour.

Sents of phenol and honey start out and after a taste the spices (saffron) becomes aparent. The harsh alcohol comes on strong and the sweetness of honey as well.

Mouthfeel slight bitter with a harshness that hopefully will receed with a bit of cellaring. Drinkability is low due to the harshness of the flavours.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week 10, Jolly Pumpkin - Noel De Calabaza

This bottle was from batch 331

Poured a dark redish brown with lots of off-white head. I had to pour four times in order to fill an 11oz tulip glass, heavy lacing the whole time.

Aroma of spiced raisins and sour cherries. I tasted some of the same spices and some oak along with prunes & raisins.

This had a very complex flavors but a thin mouthfeel, carbonation was very high.

This was a pleasure to drink and the alcohol didn't show itself in the taste but it sure did show itself in other ways.

MadHappy Pale Ale

At Twain's Billards and Tap, they brew thier own beer now@!

Twain's Brew Pub

Decatur Winefest

Not really a beer related thing but close enough.

Went with my friend BeckyT, lots of cute couples there some of them even hetero. Some of the food was really good what we had of it and the wine was good as well. About even on white and red as far as the samples I got, mostly just mimiced Becky since she knows her wines.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sierra Nevada

The Pale Ale is the BOTM (Beer of the Month) at the Atlanta Taco Mac stores this November. My Brother and I stopped in for a pint (+4) and some dinner.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thinking of beer trips past

I remember just after moving to St. Joseph, MI the new family and I used to take day trips over to Chicago, IL where I was born so long ago in order to just take in a museum or just drive around the city in search of who-knows-what. It was sometime in the early 1990's and I think I stumbled onto the Goose Island Brewpub. We had some lunch and I had a beer, that's about all I remember. I vaguely do recall that maybe it was in a large warehouse looking place with just brick buildings all around up and down the street. Also maybe a large rolling on a track railroad car kind of doors.

Now I wish I had wrote more stuff down back then.